Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Fourier series and Depth of Field experiments

Linkdump from today's mathematical explorations

Interactive Fourier series visualized in d3.js http://bl.ocks.org/jinroh/7524988

Tilt Shift photography of galaxies and nebula: http://imgur.com/a/yZcOB/layout/horizontal#0

Note: "Look at the eleventh pic, for example (NGC 3621). Many of the specks of light to the left and right are other galaxies millions of lightyears away. If this were truly tilt-shift, those galaxies wouldn't be in focus." from this comment.

Also from that thread:  "What is it about tilt-shift photography that makes things seem small?"  This exists: http://tiltshiftmaker.com/ and is pretty nifty. I made the following image with it.
before (click to enlarge)

after tilt shift (click to enlarge)

Very clever sculptures which combine stone and glass.

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