Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Reformatting an infographic about diseases and donations

This infographic seems to be making the rounds. It seems relevant, given how much attention is being given to ALS with the "ice bucket challenge".

Assuming all of the data is accurate and up to date and adjusted to inflation, etc. here is a quick table showing the dollars raised per death. Note that according to the data in this infographic Prostate Cancer receives the most dollars per death (Just shy of $7,000), even more than Breast Cancer. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Heart Disease combined (again, according to the data in this chart) kills 739,519 however each disease received ~ $49 and $91per person killed, respectively.  Of course, perhaps they are both very well funded and do not "need" donations as much as the other diseases.

Long story short - if the story is in infographic form... it is probably not well presented. 

EDIT -- Note that many others had similar thoughts and redesigned this infographic.

Some from that thread requested a chart.  See below. 
Click to enlarge