Tuesday, February 5, 2013

New blog series -- 'Little known free math gems"

 "Little known free math gems"

These are tiny, free, and surprisingly powerful programs for mathematics students from algebra through college-level which can be used on virtually any laptop or desktop computer, even old ones.   

All of my screenshots will be from a laptop running Windows Vista Pro with 1.88 GHz on 1GB of RAM.

I'll be reviewing the following: I hope to do one review each week. 
  1. DPGraph
  2. GrafEq
  3. MVT
  4. Winplot
  5. dfield & pplane
  6. Linear
Also I plan to include:
  1. screenshot techniques (cropper, mspaint)
  2. useful & interesting wolframalpha commands
  3. desmos
  4. Geogebra resources
  5. Touch Trigonometry
If you have any specific requests or know of a program I have not mentioned, please feel free to contact me. 

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