Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Electoral College

As a mathematically literate citizen, my brain hurts every time I contemplate the electoral college method of selecting a president in the USA. Below are some quick facts and graphs which communicate how ineffective and inappropriate it is for a modern functioning democracy.

First of all, major props to CGPGrey for this YouTube playlist on the electoral college featuring the following three videos:

How the electoral college works. 

The trouble with the electoral college -- all votes are not equal. 
What if the electoral college is tied?

Watch them all. 

CGPGrey's videos are the best. They are succinct, well-researched, entertaining, and thorough summaries of the absurdity which is the electoral college. Votes are literally unequal across states. Here is an interactive map showing the ratio between population and electoral votes per state.  

Finally, have a look at these maps which distorts states by the amount of money spent for their votes.  

The United States, with state size based on ad spending by outside groups in presidential race.

The USA needs election reform if is to reach anywhere near its full potential as a democracy. 

I haven't even addressed gerrymandering or Citizen's United...

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